I’m a Certified Trainer and Assessor for The Center for Nonviolent Communication since 2001.  Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has changed my life.  It gave me a process to understand what was going on inside me and express it without criticizing, blaming or making others wrong.  NVC has given me the tools to differentiate between what was happening and the story I was making up about it.  This opened the door to authenticity and accountability as I connected to my feelings and values and became empowered to express my truth openly and vulnerably.  At the same time to be able hear others, what’s alive in their hearts and offer empathy and understanding for what they have been through.  This process is powerful and can support individuals, couples, groups and organizations find more connection and the win-win in any situation.

You can reach Rodger by phone or text at 805-452-8874 or email    or click the link below.